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The mission of Pueblo Classical Academy powered by Pueblo School for Arts and Sciences is to develop responsible citizens and critical thinkers through a classically based liberal arts program that focuses on truth, beauty, and virtue while emphasizing leadership and a passion for learning.


The vision of Pueblo Classical Academy powered by Pueblo School for Arts and Sciences is to partner with families and guide students in becoming honorable citizens by providing a rigorous classical education that is accessible to all students in the Pueblo community.

Why should families choose Pueblo Classical Academy?

In a single word, virtue.  The purpose of a classical academy is to produce good neighbors regardless of the path a student pursues after high school.   The teachers at  Pueblo Classical Academy will use all courses as an opportunity to teach character building traits and critical thinkers.


Pueblo Classical Academy’s intent is to truly produce students who are thoughtful in their decisions; students who develop their opinions and views based on logical analysis of the information.   Our students will learn not to jump to conclusions, but rather develop viewpoints that can change as the student becomes more informed.   Pueblo Classical Academy will do more than just guide students to receive a diploma, PCA will produce thoughtful community leaders and citizens. 

What is Classical Education?

Students at PCA will study authentic content.  Students will learn about historical events and figures, rich literature, scientific discoveries and facts, as well as mathematical theorems and proofs.  Students will study Latin as the foundation of language.  These studies bring history to life; giving students a deeper understanding of the current world.    


Students are active participants in their learning; classes incorporate the Socratic method of engaging dialog between students and teachers. Socratic seminars are a tool to teach the students to become independent thinkers, form opinions and ideals based on research.    Woven into this approach are the pillars of success, which focus on forming students that are good citizens and good neighbors. 

What are Encore Classes?


At PCA all students  are part of a shared learning community. In addition to the core classes of math, history, science and ELA, this shared learning community will have Encore classes that include:  Foundations Latin, Design and Engineering, PE, Enrichment/Tutoring, Music and Art. 


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The Introduction to Classical Education:
A Guide for Parents

by Christopher A. Perrin, PhD (Classical Academic Press, 2004)

"We think of our mothers, we read to our children; looking to the past we set our gaze as well to the future. Classical educators are hopeful and forward-looking; they seem to find the excellencies of the past are the best preparation for what lies ahead. They all concur that while times change, human nature does not, making books and the voice of our mothers reading to us some of the deepest things we know, and the most profound gifts we can pass on. Classical education trusts you to be, at bottom, the love of our children to whom we give the best we have received."


To read the full guide, click the button below!

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